Selenium Python | Login Automatic Process | Selenium Python Web Scraping | Part 01


Web Automation
Web Automation

Selenium is a python library which is used to scrape web page. Selenium python provides application programming interface (API) to implement functional test with the help web driver. Selenium web driver functionalities accessed through selenium python (API). Basically it is used to automate website. It reduce human affect.  

Selenium with python

Selenium is coded in python language. It is use to scrape web page or page. Selenium is consist multiple classes or method which proved helpful in scraping web page. We can access web page by its URL and page element.

Selenium python web driver

Web driver used to automate browser. Web driver are automation APIs use to control the behavior of browser and run test. Selenium is a building which contain multiple rooms (tools and libraries) that enable browser to automation web browser. Web driver are designed more simple and concise programing.

Selenium python web scraping

Selenium is python library which is used to scrape web page. We can access web page and we can also send data to web page through python.



Step 1

Create a login page with (user id, password and login) controls.


We can also use online page like Facebook login page.

Step 2

            Install python. If already you installed then ok

            Install Selenium library

            Install web driver for instance chrome web driver.


I will show you how you will automate both type page like online (Facebook) and local html from.

First of all I will show you how we can automate local page.

HTML Code For Local Page

<!DOCTYPE html>

<html lang = "en">


<meta charset = "UTF-8">

<meta name = "viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">

<meta http-equiv = "X-UA-Compatible" content = "ie=edge">

<meta name = "Description" content = "Enter your description here"/>

<link rel = "stylesheet" 

href = "">

<link rel = "stylesheet" href = "">

<link rel = "stylesheet" href = "style.css">

<title> Automatic Login Process </title>



    <div class = "card">

        <div class = "card-body">

            <h3 class = "card-title text-center">Automatic Login Process</h3>



    <div class = "card mx-5 my-1">

        <div class = "card-body">

            <div class = "mb-3">

                <label for = "" class="form-label"></label>

                <input id = "enrolment" type="text" class="form-control"  aria-describedby="helpId" placeholder = "Enter Enrollment">

                <small id = "helpId" class = "form-text text-muted">Please fill enrolment box. </small>


              <div class = "mb-3">

                <label for = "" class="form-label"></label>

                <input id = "password" type="password" class="form-control"  aria-describedby = "helpId" placeholder="Enter Password">

                <small id = "helpId" class = "form-text text-muted">Please fill password box. </small>


              <div class = "form-group">

                <button id = "login" type="submit" class="btn btn-success"> Login </button>





<script src = ""></script>

<script src = ""></script>


    var button = document.getElementById("login");

    button.onclick = function(){

        alert("Login has been done successfully")






Local Login Form
Local Login Form

Selenium Python Code

from selenium import webdriver

from import ChromeDriverManager

import time

def install_chrome():

    chrome = (ChromeDriverManager().install())

    dr = webdriver.Chrome(chrome)

    return dr

def open_page(url):

    dr = webdriver.Chrome()


    return dr;

def get_element_by_Id(drid):

    return dr.find_element_by_id(id)

driver = install_chrome()

driver = open_page('file:///C:/Users/Nouman%20Shoukat/Desktop/Py/selenium/index.html')

enrolment = get_element_by_Id(driver,'enrolment')

password = get_element_by_Id(driver,'password')

login =  get_element_by_Id(driver,'login')



alert = driver.switch_to_alert()




Local Login Form Automation
Local Login Form Automation 

in above python code you see three method


when this function is called then a chrome is installed and return a object of web driver chrome.


when this function is called then provided url page loaded and return a object of web driver.

get_element_by_id(driver, id)

            this method used to access web page control by id  for instance text box, button and etc.

this method takes to arguments driver which is object of web driver while id is string object while hold html tag ids.


This method use when we want to send text to web page. This method is access by object of select tag or control from html tag.


This method use when we want to click on html element. For this purpose we firstly access html element for example we access a button element or anchor element then we perform click action.


This is used to access popup alert dialog box. We can accept or dismiss alert box.

To accept alert box we use,

Object_name.accept() for example alert,accept()

To dismiss alert box we use,

Object_name.dismiss() for example alert.dismiss()


            This is use to see prompt message in terminal.

Facebook Login Process

Simple set Facebook login page path like this

driver = open_page(FACEBOOK_LOGIN_PAGE_PATH)



And open inspect view of Facebook login page and find text box ids and login buttion id

#Facebook login from control ids

email_and_phone_no_ID = 'email'

password_ID ='pass'

login_button_ID = 'u_0_d_Ks'

# Access Facebook login form controll eg email/Phone No text box, password text box and login button

email_text = get_element_by_Id(email_and_phone_no_ID)

password_textbox = get_element_by_Id(password_ID)

login_button = get_element_by_Id(login_button_ID)

#Asign your email or phone no and password



#click login button