Chart | Bar chart floating | How create chart in html using javaScript


Bar chart Floating
Bar chart Floating

What is floating bar chart

Present of data minimum and maximum value of data sets. Mostly this type of chart or graph are used for two or more data sets.

How to make chart

At first we need JavaScript library chart.js. This library is open source you can download it and like with your project. There are various chart in JavaScript that we can use. Chart with JavaScript is easy to use and integrate with project.  

Architecture of chart

Bar chart
Bar chart

This is basic chart diagram which has three component type, data and option.


Type property used to define chart type. What kind of chart you want to use. It take string value ‘bar’ etc.


This property used to set data which we want to represent. This property further divide in component which we will discuss in next.


This property use to set layout of chart. For example legend position and scaling etc.

Bar chart
Bar chart

 So here we will discuss data component

In this diagram you can see data has two properties labels and datasets.


Label is name which we are want represent on chart. Usually label are displayed in x axis. Labels are list of label which store value in the form of string for example month name, day name etc. as shown in figure

Bar chart
Bar chart


Bar chart
Bar chart

This property hold a list of dataset. It holds one or more data sets. A data set have multiple component as you can see in figure.

These are basic component of a data set.


Label are used to set name of data set. It take value in the form of string.


Data property hold list of numeric value or array of numbers.

Background color

This property use to set background color of bar.

Border color

This property used to set color of bar’s border.

Border width

This property is used to set border size.

These properties are used for a single data set. Now we will discuss about third component of chart option.


This component used to define the layout of chart. As you can see the component of option in diagram.

Bar chart
Bar chart

Options has three components scales, plugins and responsive.


Bar chart
Bar chart

Scales are used to define axis minimum and maximum value. Scales have following components.

X and y are component of scales. Both are have min and max properties which are store value in the form of numeric. By default it adjust its value according to data set value.


Bar chart
Bar chart

Plugin has three component responsive, legend and title. It define the layout of chart.


It takes Boolean value. If it is true then it’s become responsive and vice versa.


This property used to set the position of legend it can be ‘left’, ‘right’, ‘top’, and ‘bottom’. Its take string value.


This property used to display title of chart. It has two property display which is Boolean if its true then title will display and vice versa. Text property used to set title of chart it takes string value.


 This is a Boolean (true or false) value to make responsive.

Code (HTML)

 <!DOCTYPE html>

<html lang="en">


<meta charset="UTF-8">

<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">

<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="ie=edge">

<meta name="Description" content="Enter your description here"/>

<link rel="stylesheet" href="">

<link rel="stylesheet" href="">

<title>Bar Chart</title>



        max-width: 100%;

        min-height: 500px;

        max-height: 500px;




<body class = "bg-white m-1">

    <div class="card bg-white">

        <div class="card-body bg-white">

            <h4 class="card-title">Bar Chart (Floating)</h4>



    <div class="card bg-white m-1">

        <div class="card-body">

            <canvas id="floating_bar_chart"></canvas>




<script src=""></script>

<script src=""></script>

<script src="../../chart.js/dist/chart.min.js"></script>

<script src="../../Css/background_color.js"></script>

<script src="floating bar chart.js"></script>



Code (JavaScript)

var floating_bar_chart = document.getElementById('floating_bar_chart');

var labels = [

    'Grade 1', 'Grade 2','Grade 3', 'Grade 4','Grade 5', 'Grade 6'


var dataset1 = {

    label: 'Data 1',

    data: [12, 19, 3, 5, 2, 3],

    backgroundColor: BG_19CX8I,

    borderColor: BG_19CX7I,

    borderWidth: 1,


var dataset2 = {

    label: 'Data 2',

    data: [-11, -28, 22, -25, 22, -13],

    backgroundColor: BG_19CX9I,

    borderColor: BG_19CX7I,

    borderWidth: 1,


var data =


    labels: labels,

    datasets: [dataset1,dataset2]


var scale = {



        //min : 0,

        //max: 50,




        //min : 0,

        //max: 50,



var legend ={

    position: 'right',


var title = {

    display: true,

    text: 'Floating Bar Chart'


var plugin =


    responsive: true,

    legend: legend,

    title: title


var option =


    scales: scale,

    plugins: plugin,

    responsive: true,



var barchart = new Chart(floating_bar_chart,


        //chart type

        type: 'bar',

        //assign Data

        data: data,

        //chart style

        options: option





Bar chart
Bar chart


Html Table (Click here)